ABJ30 Members and Friends,

Shawn Turner (Shawn-Turner@tamu.edu) wants to know if anyone is interested in organizing an ADUS workshop for the 2009 TRB Annual Meeting –


If you have an idea for a workshop – please let me know as soon as possible –


Tom Palmerlee send out a reminder, workshop proposals are due from committee chairs on June 1.  Here is the information that you’ll need to provide:


o        Workshop Title
o        Workshop length (Half Day/Full Day)
o        Description (A paragraph description is sufficient)
o        Sponsoring and/or Co-Sponsoring committees
o        Committee Contact


W. David Lee, Chair of the SCOP Subcommittee on Research, is looking for new NCHRP Draft Problem Statements – please email any ideas for the Committee to develop into a proposal. 

NCHRP 8-36 is intended for quick response research projects that will improve analytical methods and tools for statewide and metropolitan planning.  The expected cost is under $100,000.  Drafts need to be submitted by July 11, 2008.  An 8-36 problem statement does not need the level of detail of a formal NCHRP proposal.  The format is a one-page problem statement with:


  • Title
  • Problem Statement
  • Research Objective
  • Cost
  • Time Required


Below are some recent suggestions for “emerging data needs” that our Committee could develop into formal research statements for the TRB website and submittals for funding: 


1)                   Using assessor’s data to gather accurate counts of numbers of housing units on parcels of land.  An accurate count of Housing Units is important to augment census/ACS data.  A synthesis project is needed to determine “best practices” for improving the quality of these data (e.g., through mandates or incentives) and data sharing procedures between agencies (e.g., assessors and MPOs).

2)                   Data needs for integrating aviation-related transport activities into mainstreaming transportation planning.  Recent publications, such as TCRP 83, provide strategies for linking public transit to large airports, yet there is little available data to evaluate the effectiveness of such strategies for local planning. 

3)                   New software modeling packages (e.g., microsimulation and visualization tools) require parking lot and parking space data, including prices charged, duration of stay, etc.  A synthesis project is needed to examine “best practices” for collecting, archiving and updating parking data. 

4)                   New ways to facilitate the delivery of data (and metadata), including portals with real time data streams and data fusion opportunities. 


Please let me know if you would like to help expand these problem statements or if you have additional ideas for development.  The list of ideas from our last annual meeting and the outcome of the three most important issues shared at the Data Retreat are also “on the table” for further development (see attached).  Hope to have the summary from the Data Retreat to share soon. 


Don’t forget – Early Bird Special for our mid-year meeting at NATMAC expires May 6th!!    









Catherine T. Lawson, Ph. D.

Director, MRP Program

Associate Professor

University at Albany

Geography & Planning

AS 218 1400 Washington

Albany, New York 12222

(518) 442-4775

(518) 442-4742 FAX
