Well it in paper review time and I just wanted to let you all know that
i just received our package.
so far after the first cut it looks like we have 17 papers assigned to
our committee. i suspect that there will be more as things shake out. i
haven't yet reviewed the "paper review process manual" but instead
jumped right to papers. consequently, i can't talk about process
yet--nor i have really tested the paper reviewing software. i am sure i
will figure it out--so be ready to get some papers.
at our midyear meeting david pearson and paul shuldiner agreed to work
with me as a paper review sub-committee. i am sure i will be calling you
guys to discuss things as we get into this and i get a handle on the
software etc. for now i am doing some initial triage.
bye for now.
Ed Christopher
Metropolitan Activities
Midwest Resource Center
Federal Highway Administration
19900 Governors Drive
Olympia Fields, Illinois 60461
708-283-3534 (V)
708-283-3501 (F)