This year we were planning on having 2 midyear meetings. One in
conjunction with NATMEC in early June and the other tied to the TRB
planning committees midyear meetings in the middle of July in LaJolla.
Apparently there was a TRB glitch and we did not get on the list for
LaJolla. Now in an attempt to get us space in LaJolla I need a head
count of who think that they will be attending.
If you think that you would be able to attend a midyear meeting in the
middle of July in LaJola please let me know ASAP. this is only a rough
count so do not feel like you commitment is binding. thanks.
Ed Christopher
Resource Center Planning Team
Federal Highway Administration
19900 Governors Drive
Olympia Fields, Illinois 60461
708-283-3534 (V) 708-574-8131 (cell)
708-283-3501 (F)