Attached is the newletter covering the Data Committees Section. One item
should be of particular interest to the Urban Data Committee--the Wooton
Award. As long as I have been chair we have never had a paper accepted
for an award. Well, we now do. Investigating the Transferability of
National Household Travel Survey Data, by Abolfazi Mohammadian and
Yongping Zhang, of University of Illinois at Chicago (07-2030),
submitted by ABJ30 was accepted by the Policy and Organization group as
a recipient of this years Wooton award. I think the TRB executive board
still has to put its rubber stamp on it.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: e Newsletter Data & Information Technology Section
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 20:49:02 -0400
From: "Palmerlee, Thomas" <TPalmerlee(a)>