To: TRB Joint ADUS Subcommittee of AFD30 and ABJ30

The Subcommittee, AFD30(1), is meeting on Monday, Jan. 22, at 10:15 AM12:00 PM, in the Hilton, Dupont room.

If you have any agenda items to suggest, please send them to me.

ADUS-related activities at the TRB annual meeting:

Sunday 1/21/2007

124 Linking ADUS, Performance Measures and Freeway Operations to Improve Mobility, 8:30am - 12:00pm, Hilton, Monroe East

Monday 1/22/2007

340 Traffic Data Collection, Shoreham, on  Monday, 2:30 PM5:00 PM

390 Vehicle Detection and Classification, Marriott, Monday, 7:30 PM9:30 PM

398 Agile Data Standards Development: Pipe Dream or Possibility?  Hilton, Monday, 7:30 PM9:30 PM

Tuesday 1/23/2007

Urban and Statewide Data Committees, ABJ20 & ABJ30, Hilton, Tuesday 8:00 AM -12:00

Highway Traffic Monitoring Committee, AFD30, Marriott, Tuesday, 1:30 PM5:30 PM

Wednesday 1/24/2007

634 Highway Traffic Monitoring Data Quality, Shoreham, Wednesday, 8:00 AM9:45 AM

Ralph Gillmann
Chair of the Joint ADUS Subcommittee
Acting Chief, Travel Monitoring & Surveys Division
Federal Highway Administration