Can you guys take a look at this and give it some thought. right now
all I keep coming up with are the wrong examples, like the space
shuttle, states that refuse to pass primary seat belt laws and those
without motorcycle helmet laws. In all case the data would suggest an
obvious course of action but...
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Examples of Data Making a Difference - July 10 Meeting
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2006 17:58:07 -0400
From: "Palmerlee, Thomas" <TPalmerlee(a)>
To: <edc(a)>
Im looking forward to seeing you in La Jolla on Monday, July 10, in
Ballroom B at 6pm, representing Urban Transportation Data and
Information Systems. Nearly 40 group, section, or committee chairs will
be attending the session. Your involvement is critical in moving
forward the Technical Activities Divisions support of the
congressionally mandated Transportation Information Needs Assessment.
At the session we will: (a) update you on whats been done so far, (b)
discuss the process going forward and elicit your reactions to it, and,
(c) most important, get your insights on the importance of data in
transportation decision-making.
In advance of the meeting, we ask that you provide an example or two of
cases in which you believe that data have made a difference in
transportation decisions. Please email your responses to me by Monday,
June 26 so we can use can use it to structure the discussion at our
meeting on July 10th. At the session, we may ask some of you to
summarize your case example for the whole group.
Data can influence transportation decisions in many ways, including the
following list:
* Sharpen discussion
* Define/clarify problem
* Change priorities
* Suggest solutions
* Agenda setting
* Cover for the Decision Makers
* Identify who will be affected
* Avoid surprised, errors
* Basis for public involvement
* Support (private) finance decision
To make it easy for you, please describe your example(s) using the
structure below:
1. Decision (What action):
2. Context (Who, Where, When):
3. Data Sources:
4. Analysis / Presentation Tools:
5. Interpretation: (How did data make a difference):
We understand that you may not have this information at your
fingertips. If so, please discuss this with one or two of your
committee members who you feel have ready access to such examples. If
you dont have an example to contribute to the session discussion, we
are interested in your insights on how data can a difference in
transportation decisions. So, please send us your additions or
refinements to the bulleted list above.