Got this from Tom P. It pertains to having cross-group sessions at the
annual meeting that do not count against our committee quota. Below is
the Process. While I think we may have had cross group sessions in the
past, our NHTS session (07), some of the ADUS stuff and our Obesity
session (06) we have never played in this arena before. Anyway, if
there are any cross group issues that you have and can get developed,
see below, by the deadline let me know and we can toss in the hopper.
Realizing that we will unlikely have something for 2008 keep this in
mind for the next cycle.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Cross-Group Session Proposals for the 2008 Annual Meeting
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 11:43:16 -0500
From: "Palmerlee, Thomas" ?TPalmerlee(a)>
CC: ?tpalmerlee(a)>
For each annual meeting the Technical Activities Council (TAC) approves
some cross-group session proposals at their June meeting. These
sessions then don?t count against a committee?s session quota. The
Policy and Organization Group (POG) needs to endorse our proposals and
forward them to the TAC. I know it is ridiculously early but the POG
will be considered proposals on its March 7 and April 24 conference
call. If your committee has cross-group topics you want to push, send
them to Johanna or me. An example would be some sort of session dealing
with data and information technology issues for safety.
The following is a template that we used for this year?s conference. It
will probably be to early for much detail on participants so don?t worry
about that.
Cross-Group Session Proposal
Session Title:
Session Chair:
Session Organizer:
Session Description: Include key points to be addressed.
Participants: Confirmed or potential participants, their status
(invited, confirmed,?) and presentation titles
Cooperating Groups: TRB Groups or Other Organization, include contacts