Hello AED20 Members and Friends,
I hope everyone is doing well. The TRB Urban Data Committee has been busy since the Midyear meeting, so I wanted to share some information on recent activities as well as TRB Annual Meeting information:
- TRB registration: TRB Annual Meeting registration is open. You can register and reserve housing now here: https://www.trb.org/AnnualMeeting/Registration.aspx
- AED20 Committee Meeting: We have tentatively heard that our committee will be meeting from 1:30-3:00 on Tuesday, January 11. This will be an in-person meeting only. TRB is restricting most committee meetings to 90 minutes due to the need to sanitize rooms between meetings, so this will be an efficient meeting! The final program should be available in Mid-November, so this date/time is tentative until the final program is released.
- TRB Sunday workshop: AED20 is sponsoring a workshop entitled Equity Considerations with Big Data in an Urban and Regional Transportation Planning Context on Sunday January 9 from 1:30-4:30 https://annualmeeting.mytrb.org/Workshop/Details/17113 [Thanks To Vijay Sivaraman and Leta Huntsinger for leading this workshop! Please consider attending if you will be at TRB.]
- AED20 webinar next week: A working group from AED20 developed a webinar that is being presented next week: Designing and Implementing Smart Cities, October 28 1:00-2:30 Eastern https://www.trb.org/Calendar/Blurbs/182518.aspx [Thanks to Charlotte Frei, Angshuman Guin, Jinghua Xu, Zak Patterson, and Robert Kluger for organizing! Please consider attending, but note that there may be a fee depending on whether your employer is a TRB sponsor]
- NCHRP Statement: Also, we have an NCHRP statement that has been submitted for funding consideration entitled Assessing Big Data Privacy and Utility Trade-offs for Transportation Agencies. [Thanks to Zak Patterson, Vince Bernardin,
Bilal Farooq, Samiul Hasan, Godwin Badu-Marfo, and Kara Selke for all of their hard work getting this ready.]
TRB relies on volunteers to make the program run, so I do want to acknowledge all the hard work that many of you have put into the committee over the last year. I hope that I will see many of you in person this January.

| Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D. Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council Virginia Department of Transportation 434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C) Michael.Fontaine@VDOT.Virginia.gov |