Apologies for cross-postings … please contact trbkm@outlook.com if any questions.
From: Geara, Tony (gearatg) <gearatg@mail.uc.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2019 3:08 PM
To: sgbricka@gmail.com
Subject: TRB Task Force on Knowledge Management Call for Presentations: How Smart Cities Manage Knowledge
Dear Stacey Bricka ABJ30, MacroSys Research and Technology,
The TRB Task Force on Knowledge Management is now accepting relevant presentations for our upcoming 2020 TRB meeting. Considering the relevance between your Standing Committee on Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems and our Taskforce on Knowledge Management, we see value in sharing this invitation with your members. Could you kindly help us circulate this “Call for Presentations” amongst your committee membership?
Are you involved in a Smart City either as a researcher or practitioner? Or know someone who is? And want to share your research or experiences at TRB 2020? Please read the announcement below and click the links for the relevant inforation!
The TRB Task Force on Knowledge Management has issued a Call for Presentations for the upcoming TRB Annual Meeting 2020 on how a Smart City manages its knowledge assets in pursuit of mobility excellence. Specifically, we’re looking for attempts by smart cities teams to:
· identify critical knowledge needs and gaps;
· capture, share, and apply unique expert “know how”;
· capture, share, and apply lessons learned;
· identify and codify “best practices”;
· establish communities of practice or peer networks; or create and use collaboration tools or knowledge portals.
Due Date: Proposals are due by September 6, 2019 (updated).
For Details: Please read the Call for Presentations
For questions or submissions: Please email trbkm@outlook.com.
Please feel free to also follow our news and updates on our –
Webpage: https://trbkm.org/
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