Hi Kate!
I think Marcello and I have updated you as to the website re-organization. It is coming along quite well. The new organization paradigm is to identify cross-cutting topics ("Transit Planning", "Pedestrian Safety", "Livability") and create a 'pin-board' list of data sources, etc for each topic. Although we hoped to have a draft ready for the mid-year, of course we encountered technical difficulties. Currently we think we can release a beta in the early fall, get feedback from the committee members, and present something at the annual meeting.
So I see I am on the agenda you sent out? I am not sure what this presentation would be about? I can do some research on the performcace measure requirements in Map 21, but I saw Andrew Taylor present at the Planning Apps conference and he was
really good. That kind of practical experience is priceless.
If Andrew is not a member (I don't think he is) he might consider doing the same kind of presentation for us anyway. It would fit the bill perfectly!
Let me know what you had in mind!
Nancy McGuckin
Travel Behavior Analyst
(323) 257-5144
website: www.travelbehavior.us
From: "Lawson, Catherine T" <lawsonc@albany.edu>
To: "ABJ30-friends@chrispy.net" <ABJ30-friends@chrispy.net>
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 4:02 AM
Subject: [ABJ30-Friends] Revised Agedna wih gotomeeting/phone info
ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and
Information Systems Committee
National Academy of Sciences Building
2101 Constitution Avenue, NW
June 11, 2013
11:30AM – 1:00PM
2. Join the conference call:
Phone: 866-528-2256
Access Code: 1716247
Meeting ID: 363-473-536
- Welcome and Introductions (name, affiliation, two research areas of interest) (11:30 – 11:35)
- Approval of the Minutes - Maren Outwater [MOutwater@rsginc.com]
(11:35 – 11:40)
- Special Guest Speaker on Census 2020 (11:40 – noon)
- Burton H. Reist, Chief 2020 Research and Planning Office
- MAP - 21: The role of existing urban data (noon to 12:45)
- Our Matrix Project – (Nancy McGuckin [N_McGuckin@Rocketmail.com]
Travel Behavior Analyst)
- Can we identify sources of data that answer MAP- 21 questions?
- Do we have data or agency partners?
- Near term and longer term opportunities
- BIG Data – Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah [Piyushimita.Thakuriah@glasgow.ac.uk], University of Glasgow/Harvey Miller
[harvey.miller@geog.utah.edu], University of Utah
- Is Big Data ready for prime time applications for MAP- 21?
- Do we have examples of potential uses?
- Census API – (Clara Reschovsky [[creschovsky@mwcog.org], MWCOG/Mara Kaminowitz [mkaminowitz@baltometro.org], BMC)
- How can Census and CTPP products assist in meeting MAP-21 requirements?
- What new tools/data products will be made available?
- How can organizations take advantage of the Census API?
- Bike and Ped Data (Liz Stolz [bikeandped@gmail.com], Chaparral Systems Corporation)
- Will pre-MAP- 21 ideas meet MAP- 21 needs?
- Are there opportunities to apply data in the near term?
- Archived Data – (Kristin Tufte [tufte@cs.pdx.edu], Portland State University)
- Will MAP- 21 highlight the value of archived data?
- Are these data ready for applications?
- Transit GTFS – (James Wong [jowong@gatech.edu], Georgia Tech
- Are there opportunities to highlight GTFS in MAP- 21 applications?
- Do we have a near-term example?
- Travel time, Speed and Reliability – (Karl Petty [karl@bt-systems.com], Iteris, Inc./Michael Fontaine [Michael.Fontaine@VDOT.Virginia.gov],
Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research)
- Does MAP- 21 give TTSR a role in the near-term?
- Are there opportunities for new private/public partnerships?
- Weather: A forecast for ABJ30? (12:45 – 12:55)
- General discussion on the role of urban data and extreme weather events
- New Business (12:55 – 1:00)
- Upcoming Conferences and Workshops
- Transit GIS Conference – Washington D. C.
- Plans for Workshops at Annual Meeting
- Research Needs Statement Update – James Jan-Mou Li [lij3@ornl.gov] Oak Ridge National Labs
- Research Roundtable Discussion
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Chair, Geography and Planning Department
Director, Lewis Mumford Center
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30-Friends mailing list