ABJ30 Members and Friends,

I am pleased to announce that Ben Stabler, Senior Modeler for Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB), is now a Member of our Committee.  He is planning to attend our “Summer in Seattle” Mid-Year Meeting and I am hoping many of you will be there too!  Attached is the Summer 2009 Data Section News – lots of exciting activities --


And of course, if is never too soon to start planning for the 2010 Annual Meeting.  I received the following notice regarding the consequences of the Hilton remodeling plans – TRB staff are telling us they will need to:


·        Reduce each committee’s allotment from 2.3 sessions down to 2.0 sessions

·        Increase the number of papers presented in poster sessions

·        Move the Human Factors workshops to Saturday

·        Shift events/meetings of some Hilton committees to the Marriott or Omni Shoreham Hotels (affected committees will be informed shortly)

·        Maximize usage of evenings (especially Sunday and Wednesday) and Thursday morning

·        Limit most committee meetings to one 105 minute time slot. For those committees needing additional meeting time, TRB staff will work with the committee chairs to explore available options. These may include scheduling all or part of the committee meeting on evenings and Thursday, and/or scheduling follow-up conference calls or web-based meetings.


More on this soon – in the meantime, I want to encourage everyone to make the August 1st deadline for submitting papers (please check the TRB website http://www.trb.org/news/blurb_detail.asp?id=10482) – we will also be looking for qualified reviewers from our Committee Members and Friends –


Have a wonderful 4th!!!!







Catherine T. Lawson, Ph. D.

Director, MRP Program

Associate Professor

University at Albany

Geography & Planning

AS 218 1400 Washington

Albany, New York 12222

(518) 442-4775

(518) 442-4742 FAX



From: Palmerlee, Thomas [mailto:TPalmerlee@nas.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 1:40 PM
To: doug.couto28@gmail.com; edc@berwyned.com; fdharrison@gmail.com; hall.jim@uis.edu; harvey.miller@geog.utah.edu; hups@ornl.gov; jonette.kreideweis@dot.state.mn.us; j-schofer@northwestern.edu; jzmud@nustats.com; kikuchi@vt.edu; kkockelm@mail.utexas.edu; lawsonc@albany.edu; mike_manore@msn.com; Palmerlee, Thomas; peter.keen@dtsits.com; reg@iastate.edu; scott.drumm@portofportland.com; simon.washington@asu.edu; thomas.bolle@dot.gov
Cc: Winter, Kenneth A.
Subject: Data Section News Summer 2009


Here is Johanna’s latest Data Section News.  Please forward to your committees.



Thomas M. Palmerlee

Associate Director, Technical Activities Division

