Hi ABJ30 Members and Friends,
First I want to apologize if you have received this message twice but I wanted to include the people that attended the mid-year meeting and I am not sure are on the ABJ30 list serve.  To get on the list serve (and manage your membership), follow the directions at:
Second, thank you to everyone who attended the mid-year meeting in person or through the web meeting.  We had over 30 attendees!  I will be uploading the minutes shortly, but the agenda and several attachments can be found at:
Third, our biggest priority task right now is to prepare a brief report about how our committee's activities are related to TRB's critical issues.  WE WANT YOUR INPUT.  For example, your quick thoughts on how data is part of any of these issues will be ultra-helpful.  Your quick thoughts on how our committee's activities and committee members' activities relate is ultra-helpful.  Please send any and all ideas by noon on July 8 so that we can compile these as input to the Section report.  (Please reply to the email NOW.)  This may feel like a square peg in a round hole activity, but it may be that all transportation research funding goes to these identified issues and not anything else (like livability or data), so your input at this stage is important.  Please help.  The nine TRB critical issues are:
Human Capital
The updated TRB Critical Issues report is found at:  http://onlinepubs.trb.org/Onlinepubs/general/CriticalIssues09.pdf
Please respond with your ideas to the list serve or me (emily.parkany@gmail.com) or Kate Lawson (lawsonc@albany.edu ).
Thank you,