After our lively discussion on Thursday, Kate and I put together the attached agenda for the mid-year meeting.  The meeting will be on Tuesday, June 22 from 7am-8:15 Pacific time.  Dial-in information will be provided for committee participants not able to attend NATMEC.
Please review the attached that has also been posted on the commitee website:  www.trburbandata.org .  I have included the discussion items and web-links in the body of this email.
PLEASE SEND any additional thoughts about the discussion items to me before the meeting (reply all or emily.parkany@gmail.com ) so that I can prepare a few Powerpoint slides to spark the discussion.  Similarly, please send related web links/sites to me to include in the final agenda and minutes.
Thank you!
Discussions/Preparation for Next Annual Meeting and State of the Committee

            a.        Is this committee the right “home” for Travel Time, Speed and Reliability?

·         Prepare for paper reviews?

·         How can we work with the new Data Section/TRB Task Force, Data for Decisions and Performance Measures?

·         How can we work with the results of the SHRP 2 Reliability projects?

b.      New requirements for urban data collection and measurement

·         Interest of the committee?

·         We need data for addressing sustainability, livability, job impacts, performance measures, etc.

·         Related to new TRB task force:  Data for Decisions and Performance Measures and Travel Survey Methods Subcommittee:  New Technologies

c.       Do we have the right skills?  What skills do we need new hires to have?  Can a TRB workshop or other training address this?

d.      What are the right subcommittees for this committee?  Should we be co-sponsoring subcommittees?


Related Links

ABJ30 Committee website:  www.trburbandata.org

Related committee websites:  www.travelsurveymethods.org

New Technologies Subcommittee:  http://www.travelsurveymethods.org/Tech.asp

TRB 2011 Calls for Papers:  http://tinyurl.com/TRB2011CallforPapers (Including Cybermining Telecommunications and Social Networking Tools to Infer Travel and Activity Choices (ABJ40))