I am a member of ADB10 (Travel Behavior) and a friend of ADB40 (Travel Forecasting) and ADA10 (Statewide Planning) and ADD30 (Transportation and Land Development). 


Maren L. Outwater, P.E.

Director of Data Systems and Analysis

Puget Sound Regional Council

1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500

Seattle, WA 98104-1035

phone 206-971-3274

cell 206-834-5693

fax 206-587-4825



From: Catherine T Lawson [mailto:lawsonc@uamail.albany.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 9:54 AM
To: ABJ30-friends@chrispy.net
Subject: [ABJ30-Friends] TSP confirmation of liaisons with Other TRBCommittee and Organizations???


ABJ30 Members and Friends,

We need some help with updating our list of Member/Friends activities with Other Committees and Organizations.  Please take a minute and let me know if you are participating as a formal liaison representation with another TRB Committee and/or if you have been or are able to act as a liaison representation with outside organizations.  Thanks so much for your help --  


6.   Interaction with Other TRB Committees, Organizations, and Customers


A. List other TRB committees which your committee maintains a formal liaison representation.

            Members/friends --  please self-identify


B. List outside organizations which your committee maintains ongoing liaison representation.

            Members/friends --- please self-identify







Catherine T. Lawson, Ph. D.

Director, MRP Program

Associate Professor

University at Albany

Geography & Planning

AS 218 1400 Washington

Albany, New York 12222

(518) 442-4775

(518) 442-4742 FAX



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