Hi ABJ30-Friends list and TRB 2011 TRB Urban Data Committee attendees:
I am attaching the TRB ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee Annual Meeting 2011 Minutes to the ABJ30 mailing list and the additional people who attended the committee meeting. I encourage you to join the ABJ30 mailing list and to utilize our committee web page:
And I think that I am having trouble attaching the minutes to this email. You can get the minutes on our committee web page:
http://www.trburbandata.org/Home/meeting-minutes-archive (it's in the middle of the attachments on this page). Please tell me if you're having trouble getting to this year's minutes.
I know that the next business of the committee is rotating at least 1/3 of committee members which has to happen in April.
Thank you,
Emily Parkany
Secretary, ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems
Associate Transportation Engineer
Booz Allen Hamilton
This is the information from the committee webpage (
http://www.trburbandata.org/Home/friendslist for joining the ABJ30-Friends mailing list:
To better serve our committee FRIENDS and keep them informed of committee activities we have have developed a simple listserve. The listserve is open to the public but does require that you sign up to post.
The list is moderated and to help with spam protection your post must come from the email address that is on the subscrption list. If it does not, there may be a slight delay until the list moderator can review and approve it.
To Post a Message to ABJ30-Friends:
Send email To:
abj30-friends@chrispy.net Note: This is a closed list which means that people who are not subscribed are blocked from posting directly to the list
ABJ30-Friends is the name of our FRIENDS mailing list. The backbone software is called mailman. The mailing list is maintained as a volunteer effort by Chris Parrinello who has it running on a personal server called
chrispy.net. Ed Christopher, acting on behalf of the Urban Data and Information Systems Committee is responsible for the policy direction (the rules) of the list. The content of the list is the responsibility of those who mail to it and use it.
ABJ30-Friends was created for and thrives on the input of its members (subscribers). If you have an interest in the transportation aspects of data used regarding urban issues this list is for you.
If you are having problems subscribing, unsubscribing or posting messages, please contact Ed Christopher at: