I noted the idea from vladimir... I have been doing this (GIS interactive OPENGIS compliant interactive data serving) now since about 2003, have a look at www.reorient.org.uk and see what you think, www.worldnet.eu(I think) is also using the datacube aspects..

We use an Open GIS compliant mapserver as the base, as a full GIS is simply not needed (you will note vector editing is included on reorient). the data code analyser serve r also produces rather unsatisfactory thematic maps, and we are not happy with them- but we are with the mapserver stuff.

If anyone is interested I could provide a paper for trb, i think i have a suitabel one that would be useful, and we have little Camtasia and QT movies to show how it all works (and all the things that you cant see from just a public view) - we also have a tiered set of Camtasia movies shoing end users, admin and system designers at each level how to do xml data publishing at one edn and updating a document on the other!

so the TRB lack of live internet access wont matter..(and yes I WILL be at TRb09 this time)

Id really like to add that the integration of a document repository and fullscael communciation tools was a key to the success of the reorient knowledge base.. when you get data docs maps and analysis email lists and smtp server and videoconference and WKIKI comunications in one package through a simple W3C compliant (ie no Microsoft oddities, and accessibel down to a Palm pilot or an iPod touch - WARNING Flash is needed for the interactive mapping and vector editing.. so the most advaced aspects are not accessible unless you have hacked a flash client onto them) one gets something that not only makes projects hum along better- but solves the after-project distribution and access iand secure archiving iissues as well all in the same process.... quite load reduction for busy engineers and planners.....

It was a long time ago i suggested a show and tell mapping etc approach to ANF30, and, many years late, such an approach (with vast improvements)  has been spectactulalry successful for CTTP.

The broader issues of community interagency and international dat aand document sharing and data exploration cost reductions have not had quite the same attention!

Ive been involved in several metadata data discovery  servers for wide ranges of traffic transport and planning data in addition to reorient, and am now involved in making realtime data feeds a part of such systems in a new generation of  post reorient work (www.roadidea.eu, but the gis bits are not visible just yet)

Again if anyone is interested I could provide a paper (just one) covering expereinces with all that-- if it is still an interest of ANF30, Ive been out of touch since I completed my term looking after the ANF30 metadata subscommittee!



At 4:26 PM -0400 19/6/2008, Catherine T Lawson wrote:
ABJ30 Committee Members and Friends,
We now have the final Data & Information Systems Section Retreat Report (attached) and it is time to move forward with our combined support for the Section Initiatives - and to get our own Committee priorities (also attached) transformed into real Research Statements with funding possibilities.  The Annual Meeting is taking shape (see attached "Plans in the Works" )- so far - we are supporting an ADUS Applications Workshop, co-sponsoring the NHTS Workshop and a workshop on practical ways to improve transportation-related data.  We still need to get the Census Sub Committee and the Joint ADUS Committee scheduled.  National Data is heading up the Travel Data Users Forum - more details soon.  Hopefully, some of the ideas below from Members and Friends will be addressed in the "Practical Ways" Workshop - but I would encourage everyone to provide feedback on moving these areas of interest so they can reach the Research Statement stage - and we can start looking for sponsors and funding!
Hope to see everyone at NATMEC!!!!!
Ideas from Committee Members -- 
Vladimir Livshits, Ph. D, M. Sc
System Analysis Program Manager
I. Information systems
- GIS as an integration base: development of GIS-T and transportation multi-year master networks. We are trying to integrate supply data with TIP/RTP/LCP information; LRS-based systems - might be good for 1/2 day workshop. The system integrates data flow across MPO business processes from collection to modeling to Regional Plan.
- Data integration: One direction: supply data counts - travel time - safety data (we are doing a project on this right now) Another direction - integration along business processes in metropolitan planning (data collection / acquisition - data management - data control and analysis - forecasting/modeling - planning)
- Data accessibility/analysis - we still have a long way to go here. Looks like private sector is leading now. Might be a good topic for a workshop or a session. I mean web-based technologies and analytical tools that will facilitate data utilization. Its related to the previous two.
II. Possible items for cooperation with ABJ40 - where emerging problems/issues with travel surveys can be addressed with new technology:
- household surveys: changes  in people's behavior and communication technology resulted in ever dropping response rates and necessity to look for different methods of data collection (cell phones surveys, GPS, progress, issues) - They have some calls for papers on this, but it seems like some important issues are still not getting enough attention, how survey methodology affects applicability of the results, etc.
- household surveys: move to bigger samples - should we go back to this direction? (that is still the approach in Canada, for example)
- Intercept surveys are under fire in some places (there is an excellent TTI report on this) and we encourage advancements in automated data collection (cameras, etc.) again, issues: cooperation with DOT on license plate information, road closure permits for installations, quality of the data, etc.
- Travel time and speed data: move from floating car technology to an ongoing data collection by third parties  - implications
- Transit surveys - struggle with low completion rates
- Truck travel surveys - low response rates, how new technology can help us, how we can establish channels of cooperation with private sector, place for the new collection techniques
- Luck of independent data sets for travel forecasting model validation (survey data normally used 100% for estimation/calibration), supply data can be used only for certain final validations
- Data requirements of the Activity-Based Models, how the movement towards disaggregation and microsimulation in modeling affects data collection
Ideas from Committee Friends
Ken Dueker (duekerk@aol.com)
One data area that Dick Lycan and I have been concerned with is working (mandates or incentive) with Assessor's to gather accurate counts of number of units housing units on parcels of land.  An accurate count of HUs is important to many demographic based transportation demand models.  Yet it is not counted with care by assessors and they have not incentive or mandate to do so.
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph. D.
Director, MRP Program
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX

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ABJ30-Friends mailing list

Dr Marcus Wigan,    Personal website http://go.to/mwigan    Personal email m.wigan@hertford.oxon.org
* Principal Oxford Systematics, Box 126 Heidelberg 3084 Australia
* Senior Consultant Demis BV, delft, The Netherlands
* University of Melbourne
        - Professorial Fellow, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
        - Partner, GAMUT, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, University of Melbourne
* Emeritus Professor  of Computing  and  of Transport Systems, Napier University Edinburgh Scotland   
* Visiting Professor, CTS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London