Hi – the TRB paper review cycle is about to begin. ABJ30 and its subcommittees traditionally receive more than 100 papers each year for review. Administratively, each paper requires a minimum of 3 reviews but technically the process works better with more reviews so we assign 5 reviewers to each paper.
As with prior years, members should expect to receive 4-5 papers to review from this committee. Friends are asked to review 1-2 papers for ABJ30. You may receive additional reviews from different committees. The review period is August 15 – September 15.
To help us route papers to the right reviewers, please complete this very short survey by *Sunday August 13*: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5TVKFW5
Two important reminders:
Thanks in advance for your assistance – please let me know if any questions
Stacey Bricka, PhD
Chair, ABJ30