Hello AED20 members and friends,
The AED20 main committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 11 from 1:30-3:30 PM in the Marriott Independence Salon ABC. Unfortunately, there will be no dial in option, but we will be sure to distribute minutes and handouts electronically after the meeting to those unable to attend in person.
I've attached a few items for your review before the meeting:
- Meeting agenda. Since we are limited to 1.5 hours, the meeting will mainly focus on core committee business this year.
- Draft of the AED20 Triennial Strategic Plan. We hope to get final comments on the plan prior to submission to the section. Please review prior to the meeting and come ready to discuss. If you can't attend in person, please let me know if you have any comments.
- Minutes/slides from the midyear meeting. Please provide any edits if you have any.
- Workshop announcement. AED20 is sponsoring one workshop and co-sponsoring another that are focused around big data issues in transportation planning on Sunday, January 9. Please see the attached workshop announcement and consider attending them if you will be at TRB on Sunday. The focus of the morning session is on using big data to answer planning questions at a national or state scale, and the afternoon session is focused on equity considerations when using big data.
I hope everyone has a safe and healthy holiday season. I really hope to see many of you at TRB in January.
Mike Fontaine
Chair, AED20

| Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D. Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council Virginia Department of Transportation 434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C) Michael.Fontaine@VDOT.Virginia.gov |