ABJ30 Members and Friends,

The preliminary schedule for NATMEC has the following information for our Committee meeting (room yet to be assigned)


Urban Data Committee Meeting
Thursday, August 07, 2008, 7:00 a.m.-8:30 a.m.
Catherine Theresa Lawson, State University of New York, Albany, presiding

Open meeting of the TRB committee interested in the design, collection, analysis, and reporting of transportation supply and demand data needed to support urban and metropolitan transportation planning efforts. In particular, the committee is interested in developing the data requirements of new and innovative techniques for measuring and monitoring the performance of metropolitan transportation systems; and in evaluating changes in demographic and urban travel characteristics. In terms of household and other transportation surveys, the committee is concerned with the analysis, reporting, archiving, and dissemination of results and data products. The committee is interested in the effective use of census and other federal, secondary data sources in metropolitan transportation planning. The committee is concerned with advancements in information systems and information technology for the improved dissemination and sharing of knowledge about metropolitan transportation systems and urban travel behavior.


I will need to find out the availability of a phone conference set-up –






Catherine T. Lawson, Ph. D.

Director, MRP Program

Associate Professor

University at Albany

Geography & Planning

AS 218 1400 Washington

Albany, New York 12222

(518) 442-4775

(518) 442-4742 FAX
