
Looks like I have a conflict for this Friday’s meeting.  It would be good to compare notes at some point related to Coalition TDM interests and Urban Data interests.




From: Fontaine, Michael <michael.fontaine@vdot.virginia.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, February 2, 2022 9:18 AM
To: abj30-friends@chrispy.net; Weinberger Penelope <pweinberger@aashto.org>; Vince Bernardin <vince@caliper.com>; Viswanathan Krishnan <kviswanathan@camsys.com>; camille kamga <ckamga@utrc2.org>; Zachary Patterson <zachary.patterson@concordia.ca>; Daniel (FHWA) <Daniel.Jenkins@dot.gov>; Jinghua Xu <jinghuax@gmail.com>; mei.chen@uky.edu; Petya Maneva <PManeva@azmag.gov>; Karen Faussett <faussettk@michigan.gov>; Kathleen Yu <kyu@nctcog.org>; Sam Granato <sam.granato@dot.ohio.gov>; Clotilde Minster <clotilde.minster@gmail.com>; Robert <robert.kluger@louisville.edu>; Emily Moylan <emily.moylan@sydney.edu.au>; Gehan Elsayed <gehan.m.elsayed@wv.gov>; Christopher Hiebert <chiebert@sewrpc.org>; JD Allen <jdallen@emailatg.com>; trafficdataconsultant@gmail.com; Patrick (AECOM Consult, Inc.) <patrick.coleman@aecom.com>; Charlotte A. <Freica@cdmsmith.com>; Jim Hubbell <jim.hubbell@streetlightdata.com>; Ed Christopher <edc@berwyned.com>; Leta Huntsinger <lfhuntsi@ncsu.edu>; Anita Vandervalk-Ostrander <avandervalk@iteris.com>; Clara Reschovsky <clara.reschovsky@dot.gov>; Anil Yazici <Anil.Yazici@stonybrook.edu>; annie.chang@li.me; Theodore Mansfield <theodore.mansfield@rsginc.com>; Pavithra Parthasarathi <pparthasarathi@hrtpo.org>; Mara Kaminowitz <mkaminow@gmail.com>; stephen.buckley@kimley-horn.com; Stacey Bricka <sgbricka@gmail.com>
Subject: [ABJ30-Friends] Re: Urban Data Committee (AED20) Supplemental Virtual Meeting - Feb 4, 3-4 PM Eastern


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Hello everyone,


This is a reminder of our virtual committee meeting this Friday from 3-4 PM Eastern.  Since we will be approving the TSP, I hope many of the committee members will be able to attend.  Please review the TSP and come with any questions or comments.  The Zoom link is in the attached agenda.


We will also be spending some time discussing research needs.  If you have a new research idea that you would like to bring up, please let me know.


Some of the items we discussed in person at the Annual Meeting will not be reviewed in as much detail since we have just a 1 hour call.  I have attached the draft minutes from the Annual Meeting so that people who could not attend have some background.


I hope to see many of you this Friday!




Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.

Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council

Virginia Department of Transportation

434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)




On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 3:42 PM Fontaine, Michael <michael.fontaine@vdot.virginia.gov> wrote:

Hello everyone,


I hope everyone is doing well and recovered from TRB.  We have set a date/time for the supplemental virtual Urban Data committee meeting on Feb 4 from 3-4 PM Eastern.  Committee members should have received a calendar invitation.  For everyone else, the Zoom login information is included in the attached agenda.  FHWA has also provided a summary of relevant research activities, which is also attached.


This meeting will be a refocused and streamlined version of what we did in person at the Annual Meeting.  The main objectives will be to discuss several items where I would like input from the entire committee (TSP, research needs, equity working group) and to hear updates from people who were unable to be in Washington, DC.  I hope many of you will be able to join us!





Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.

Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council

Virginia Department of Transportation

434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)
