Dear members and friends of ABJ30:

(with apologies for cross-postings)


Attending TRB? If yes, don't rush home - stay till Thursday to join us at the Nudging the Commute: Behavioral Science and Mode Choice workshop!


WHERE: Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC 

WHEN: Thursday, January 16, 2020, 8:00 am - 12:00 noon


In this workshop, you’ll:

·  Discuss the importance of behavioral science in understanding mode choice and mode shift

·  Meet leading researchers in behavioral science as applied to transportation

·  Learn about innovative recent and in-progress research

·  Help develop a behavioral research agenda for the transportation industry

·  Discuss funding, collaboration models, and possible partnerships

Featured speakers include Dr. Ashley Whillans of Harvard Business School, Joseph Sherlock from the Center for Advanced Hindsight at Duke University, Doug Palmer of ideas42, and Michael Kaemingk from the Behavioural Insights Team.

This workshop is included in TRB registration. Register early to secure the early bird discounted rate!

For more information, contact or

This workshop is sponsored by TRB committees on TDM, Emerging and Innovative Public Transport and Technologies, Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems, Public Transportation Marketing and Fare Policy, and Transportation Issues in Major Cities.


ABJ30 representative on the workshop planning committee:  Jim Hubbell (cc’d above)