Hello AED20 Members and Friends,
I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. TRB has released the committee meeting schedule for the 2021 Annual Meeting. Here's the committee meeting schedule for the Urban Data committee and our subcommittees:
I hope everyone can block these times out and attend the meetings.
In order to attend the committee meetings, you will need to register for the Annual Meeting. One benefit of the virtual annual meeting, though, is that TRB has introduced a complementary registration category for people that only want to attend committee meetings or exhibits and not the technical sessions. Hopefully this provides an opportunity for a broader audience to attend committee meetings this year, but everyone will need to register to access the meeting. The Annual Meeting registration page is at http://www.trb.org/AnnualMeeting/Registration.aspx. Zoom links to the committee meetings will be available within the TRB Annual Meeting Online program in advance of the meetings and will only be accessible to people who have registered.
I'll be sending an agenda out as we get closer to the meeting date.
The committee and our subcommittees also have several virtual poster sessions planned between January 25-28. You can access the current TRB program at: https://annualmeeting.mytrb.org/OnlineProgram
Please let me know if you have any questions about the virtual meeting. This should be a learning experience for all of us!