Thanks to everyone who was able to attend the AED20 supplemental virtual meeting last Friday.   There are a few follow up action items from that meeting for your consideration.
  • Triennial Strategic Plan approval:  Committee members should have received a link to a Google Form to approve the TSP.  Please click on the link and indicate whether you approve the TSP as soon as possible.
  • New research needs working groups:  Broad topics for several potential research needs have been identified.  If you are interested in serving on the working group to develop these areas, please provide your information at this link
    • Smart Cities:  Possible research needs building of the Smart Cities data webinar were discussed at the annual meeting in DC  and on the virtual call.  A working group will be meeting soon to discuss next steps.
    • Big data skills/technologies and workforce development:  This was a topic discussed at AED20's annual meeting workshop and the Travel Data User Forum this year.  This group will meet to discuss next steps, possibly including a workshop, synthesis, or call for papers.
  • AED20 Diversity, equity, and inclusion working group:  This working group will focus on DEI issues both internal to the committee (membership, succession planning, outreach) and external (possible equity related research topics).  Indicate your interest here:
A virtual midyear meeting will be held in the first half of June.  I'll send an email out when it is scheduled.

Thanks everyone and please reach out with any questions.


Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.

Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council

Virginia Department of Transportation

434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)

On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 3:42 PM Fontaine, Michael <> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well and recovered from TRB.  We have set a date/time for the supplemental virtual Urban Data committee meeting on Feb 4 from 3-4 PM Eastern.  Committee members should have received a calendar invitation.  For everyone else, the Zoom login information is included in the attached agenda.  FHWA has also provided a summary of relevant research activities, which is also attached.

This meeting will be a refocused and streamlined version of what we did in person at the Annual Meeting.  The main objectives will be to discuss several items where I would like input from the entire committee (TSP, research needs, equity working group) and to hear updates from people who were unable to be in Washington, DC.  I hope many of you will be able to join us!


Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.

Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council

Virginia Department of Transportation

434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)