ABJ30 Members and Friends,

Another task for our upcoming TSP is a review of our “Identified Areas of Interest”  - below is a retelling of our previously listed areas --


Please confirm your general level of interest, interest in contributing to the development of research statements, conference or workshop ideas or special interest (e.g., special e-working group). 


Members and Friends are encouraged to respond to this listserv, contact the Chair directly (lawsonc@albany.edu), bring ideas to WDC TRB meeting and/or respond to post-meeting follow-up --


Original Set of Topics (with some expansions)


1. Using census data in transportation planning (now expanded in our Subcommittee - combined with Continuous Census Data (American Community Survey)

2. Monitoring traffic and transit systems

3. Using ITS-generated data in planning

4. Using household travel survey data in describing traveler characteristics and metropolitan travel patterns

5. Combining data sources

6. Studying issues of privacy and confidentiality (combined with "Privacy and Data Ownership Concerns")

7. Creating standards for meta-data (data about data) and meta-analysis (comparative data analyses) - (see http://www.trb.org/committees/datasection/DataSection-Metadata.pdf - what should ABJ30 do now?) 

8. Continuous Personal Travel Data - surveys

9. Archiving IT Data for Planning and other Applications (now expanded in our joint ADUS Subcommittee)

10. Use of global positioning systems and other technologies in urban transportation data (consider approaching Travel Survey Methods - New Technologies Subcommittee as a joint Subcommittee?)

11. Small Area Land Use and Socioeconomic Data (consider expanding to include Administrative Data, such as parcel data, building permits, public works maintenance records for sidewalks, parks and trails bike path data, etc.)

12.  Information from Data (expand to include Data Visualization - and form joint Subcommittee with ABJ95 Visualization in Transportation)


Additional ideas from Members and Friends to formalize and include as “Identified Areas of Interest for 2009” - consider Workshop/Conference to develop research agenda(s) and move forward with ideas for mid-year and 2010 Annual Meeting –


New Areas of Interest to Consider for 2009


More focus on GIS as an integration base –

Data integration – more than combining sources – consider integration at the time of data creation

Data accessibility – web-based dissemination that allows user to interact with raw data sources to acquire exactly what they need, including visualization of data as a “guided tour” of where the key data elements or policy issues are located “at a glance”

More cooperation with Travel Survey Methods (including joint Subcommittee on New Technologies)

New focus on Household Travel Surveys – new technologies for data collection, analysis and visualization

New formats and panels for Household Travel Surveys that integrate with existing data systems (e.g., local count programs, weather, public health community, school systems, etc.)

Intercept surveys, including electronic passive data collection, such as license plate, road permits, other administrative data sources

Travel time and speed data – floating car program rather than “one-off” research projects

Transit surveys – new technologies, new formats for gathering information including GPS

Truck travel surveys – consider formalizing linkage to Freight Data Committee and Subcommittee on Truck Surveys

Focus on data needs for new generation of activity-based models – including parcel data for land use models, GPS for validating microsimulation models, consideration of impact on data needs for integrating Open Source travel forecasting models with existing off-the-shelf modeling software






Catherine T. Lawson, Ph. D.

Director, MRP Program

Associate Professor

University at Albany

Geography & Planning

AS 218 1400 Washington

Albany, New York 12222

(518) 442-4775

(518) 442-4742 FAX
