ABJ30 Members and Friends,
I received this invitation to participate in the re-establishment of the Transportation Statistics Interest Group – and hope you and others would like to jump in and help Peg Young with this important work –
Transportation Statistics Interest Group
We in BTS are in the process of re-establishing the Transportation Statistics Interest Group within the American Statistical Association.   This ‘no-dues’ group will be composed of statisticians, economists and analysts who are interested in (1) developing and applying statistical methods to problems to problems in transportation, (2) analyzing transportation data, (3) collecting transportation data, and (4) formulating mathematical models which describe and explain underlying mechanisms or processes in transportation. In order to establish the interest group, we not only need ‘signatures’ of interested individuals, but we also need at least 25 of those signing up to be ASA members.
So – here is what we are asking:
Are you interested in becoming a member of the Transportation Statistics Interest Group?
Are you an ASA member?
If you ARE interested, please respond to Peg Young (peg.young@dot.gov) and say you would like to be a member, and also specify whether you are, or are not, a member of ASA.  Many  thanks for your support.
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Director, MRP Program
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
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(518) 209-1155 CELL