I'm trying to send out the following reminders about the TRB ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee Mid-Year Meeting.  This year the meeting will be during NATMEC in Seattle at 7am Pacific/10am Eastern on Tuesday, June 22. 
1)  Please reply to me, emily.parkany@gmail.com and tell me whether you will attend in person or via GoToMeeting (a web meeting system).  The GoToMeeting login instructions will follow, but we're trying to get a feel for the number of attendees.  I will try to ask individual committee members how they will attend the meeting--it would be great if you could respond to me before I send out an individualized invitation.  Everyone is invited to the meeting (in person or via GoToMeeting).
2)  Please send links to additional websites or information like the bottom of the draft agenda that follows.
3)  Please send further comments to me by Thursday, June 17, related to the Preparation for Next Annual Meeting and State of the Committee discussion that we started in May.  See Section VI of the agenda below.
Thank you,
The draft agenda for our meeting follows here:

DRAFT Agenda

ABJ30   Urban Transportation Data and

Information Systems Committee

Seattle Sheraton Hotel

June 22,2010

Tuesday, 7:00am-8:15am (PDT)


GoToMeeting instructions for the meeting will follow



I.                   Introductions


II.                Chair Report - Announcements – Kate Lawson


III.             TRB Report – Tom Palmerlee (flexible, if necessary)


IV.              Subcommittee Reports

a.     ABJ30(1) Subcommittee on Census Data--Clara Reschovsky (MWCOG) & Kristian Rohanna (SANDAG)

b.    AFD30(1) Archived Data User Service Subcommittee--Shawn Turner (TTI) 


V.            Research Statements/NCHRP

a.       Status of former statement and an idea for carrying the ideas further  (Elaine Murakami)

·         Suggested new title:  “Promoting Transportation Data Efficiencyto Improve Transportation, Environmental and Energy Planning”

·         Additional volunteers to help Elaine in rewriting this?

b.      Other research statement ideas of the committee?

c.       Cooperative Research Program for Metropolitan Issues—what do we need to do to move this forward?


VI.          Discussions/Preparation for Next Annual Meeting and State of the Committee

               [Please send your ideas on these issues to emily.parkany@gmail.com by June 17.  We will try to summarize your thoughts onto Powerpoint slides to help spark the discussion.  With this people can participate before the meeting, at the meeting, and on the phone.  (The ideas exchanged on May 13 will be included.)]

a.        Is this committee the right “home” for Travel Time, Speed and Reliability?

·         Prepare for paper reviews?

·         How can we work with the new Data Section/TRB Task Force, Data for Decisions and Performance Measures?

·         How can we work with the results of the SHRP 2 Reliability projects?

b.      New requirements for urban data collection and measurement

·         Interest of the committee?

·         We need data for addressing sustainability, livability, job impacts, performance measures, etc.

·         Related to new TRB task force:  Data for Decisions and Performance Measures and Travel Survey Methods Subcommittee:  New Technologies

c.       Do we have the right skills?  What skills do we need new hires to have?  Can a TRB workshop or other training address this?

d.      What are the right subcommittees for this committee?  Should we be co-sponsoring subcommittees?


VII.         New Business

a.        TRB Critical Issues and Cross-cutting Issues

c.       Other Business



Related Links

[Please send additional related links to emily.parkany@gmail.com to be included in the final agenda and minutes.]

ABJ30 Committee website:  www.trburbandata.org

Related committee websites:  www.travelsurveymethods.org

New Technologies Subcommittee:  http://www.travelsurveymethods.org/Tech.asp

TRB 2011 Calls for Papers:  http://tinyurl.com/TRB2011CallforPapers (Including Cybermining Telecommunications and Social Networking Tools to Infer Travel and Activity Choices (ABJ40))