6.   Interaction with Other TRB Committees, Organizations, and Customers
A. List other TRB committees which your committee maintains a formal liaison representation.
            Members/friends --  please self-identify

Friend  Urban Data

Member Bicycles*
Member Motorcycles and Mopeds*
Member Freight transportation data*
Member International Activities

Member metadata section subcommittee

B. List outside organizations which your committee maintains ongoing liaison representation.
            Members/friends --- please self-identify

Council member Association for European Transport (www.aetransport.org) (AET runs the European Transport Conference the successor to the 'PTRC' Conferences)- this has a two way MOU with TRB, and i suppose its as an emeritus* and IA committee meber that I share this liasion with Neil paulley(TRL UK also on IA)


Catherine T. Lawson, Ph. D.
Director, MRP Program
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX

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