ABJ30 Committee Members and Friends,
Tom just provided us with important dates and events for Summer (and beyond). Our Census Workshop is part of the Joint Summer Meeting (information for registration below) – Also (see bottom item) proposals for workshops for the 2011 Annual Meeting need to be completed by June 1st – I am hoping to hear more about plans for a Census Workshop and an ADUS Workshop – any other ideas or cross-cutting topics that might require partnerships with other committees?? Since the deadline for proposals is prior to our meeting opportunities, we can use our website, this listserv, or individual email traffic, to get our plans ready in time –– please send ideas!!!!! Possible topics – collaborative data collection strategies; integrating “trace data” (e.g., GPS, blue tooth) with other urban datasets; electric utilities and changing the vehicle fleet; and……..??? Let me know if you would be interested in helping work on a workshop proposal – thanks!
Joint Summer Meeting
The Early Bird registration deadline is here, Monday, April 19th. To register, go to www.TRB.org/conferences/2010/Summer.
All the committees should consider sending a member to this Sunday work designed for committee communication coordinators. No charge for this meeting but a capacity limit is likely and will be filled soon.
Sunday, July 11, 2010, 9:00am-12:45pm, Minneapolis Marriott City Center, Ballroom 3
Putting Web and Social Network/Media Technologies to Work For Your Committee or Transportation Organization
Jeffrey L. Western, Western Management and Consulting, LLC; Julie Lorenz, Kansas Department of Transportation, presiding
Sponsored by Committee on Critical Transportation Infrastructure Protection (ABE40)
Wondering how to start or improve communication within your TRB committee? Then this workshop is for you. Designed around the most popular and effective electronic tools, participants will learn how to use Google Sites, Ning, Twitter and Digg, WIKI, FaceBook and other web-based communication methodologies will also be covered. We’ll review TRB Guidance and Rules on web-methodologies and explore practical applications of these technologies in a DOT or transportation organization.
Committee Communications Coordinators, the Council, and TRB Guidance (0096)
Jeffrey L. Western, Western Management and Consulting, LLC
Julie Lorenz, Kansas Department of Transportation
Building a Great Committee Website (0097)
Michael Nesbitt, Federal Highway Administration
Using FaceBook, LinkedIn, and Twitter (0098)
Janet Fraser, Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute
Using Wiki and Ning (0099)
Michael A. Manore, Vispective Management Consulting, LLC
Using Social Media Technologies at a State DOT (0100)
Kevin Gutknecht, Minnesota Department of Transportation
Practical Applications of Social Networking Technologies (0101)
Julie Lorenz, Kansas Department of Transportation
Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A (0102)
Jeffrey L. Western, Western Management and Consulting, LLC
Julie Lorenz, Kansas Department of Transportation
NATMEC: Improving Traffic Data Collection, Analysis, and Use
The Early Bird deadline is Wednesday, April 21. Register at www.natmec.org. Four TRB Committees are meeting there
· Highway Traffic Monitoring Committee (ABJ35)
· Statewide Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee (ABJ20)
· Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee (ABJ30)
· Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations Committee (RTSMO)
Call for Abstracts - Research Perspectives on Transportation Systems for Livable Communities Conference
See http://www.trb.org/conferences/livability2010.aspx. Abstracts for due May 10th.
Call for Proposals – Using National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) Data for Transportation Decision Making Workshop
See www.trb.org/Conferences/NHTS2010.aspx. Proposals are due May 13th.
Annual Meeting Workshop Proposal due June 1.
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Director, MRP Program
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL