ABJ30 Members and Friends,
I hope to see many of you next week at our Annual TRB Meeting in Washington, D.C.  However, if you can't join us in person, please feel free to send your input, comments, and ideas for the topics we plan to cover and we will make sure your ideas are incorporated into the record of the meeting.  We will be finalizing information on our Summer Mid-Year Meeting in Washington, D. C. and plan to offer webinar/phone conference access to allow everyone to join us – more details coming soon!    For those of you joining us next week – safe travels – enjoy your time in WDC!  

Published Agenda as per TRB website -- 

ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee

This committee is interested in the design, collection, analysis, and reporting of transportation supply and demand data needed to support urban and metropolitan transportation planning efforts. In particular, the committee is interested in developing the data requirements of new and innovative techniques for measuring and monitoring the performance of metropolitan transportation systems; and in evaluating changes in demographic and urban travel characteristics. In terms of household and other transportation surveys, the committee is concerned with the analysis, reporting, archiving, and dissemination of results and data products. The committee is interested in the effective use of census and other federal, secondary data sources in metropolitan transportation planning. The committee is concerned with advancements in information systems and information technology for the improved dissemination and sharing of knowledge about metropolitan transportation systems and urban travel behavior.

Committee Meeting Location 
Monroe Room in the Hilton

January 15, 2013
8:00AM – 12:00PM

I. Welcome and Introductions (name, affiliation, two research areas of interest) (8:00 – 8:10)

II. Approval of the Minutes - Maren Outwater [MOutwater@rsginc.com] (8:10 – 8:15)

III. Report s

a. Chair’s Report - Kate Lawson [lawsonc@albany.edu] (8:15 – 8:20)
b. TRB Report – Tom Palmerlee [TPalmerlee@nas.edu] (flexible, if necessary) (8:20 – 8:25)
c. Section Chair Report – Reg Souleyrette [rsouley@engr.uky.edu] 
(8:25 – 8:30)
d. RITA/BTS Report – TBA [tba] (8:30 – 8:35)
e. Subcommittee Reports
i. ABJ30(1) Subcommittee on Census Data – Clara Reschovsky [[creschovsky@mwcog.org], MWCOG/Mara Kaminowitz [mkaminowitz@baltometro.org], BMC (8:35 – 8:45)
ii. ABJ30(2) Computational Transportation and Society - Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah [vonu-pt@uic.edu], University of Glasgow/Harvey Miller [harvey.miller@geog.utah.edu], University of Utah (8:45 – 8:55)
iii. ADD50(1) Health and Transportation – Ed Christopher [edc@berwyned.com], FHWA/ Eloisa Raynault [eloisa.raynault@apha.org], American Public Health Association (8:55 – 9:05)
iv. ABJ35(3) Bike and Pedestrian Data – Liz Stolz [bikeandped@gmail.com], Chaparral Systems Corporation (9:05 – 9:15)
v. AFD30(1) Archived Data User Service Subcommittee Kristin Tufte [tufte@cs.pdx.edu], Portland State University (9:15 – 9:25)
vi. ABJXX – Travel Time, Speed and Reliability – Karl Petty [karl@bt-systems.com], Iteris, Inc./Michael Fontaine [Michael.Fontaine@VDOT.Virginia.gov], Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research (9:25 – 9:35)

f. Sunday Workshop Wrap-up Reports – Next Steps?

i. Big Data Informatics: Innovations in Mining Structured and Unstructured Information for Mobility Decision Making - Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah [vonu-pt@uic.edu] University of Glasgow/Harvey Miller [harvey.miller@geog.utah.edu], University of Utah (9:35 – 9:45)
ii. The Future of National Household Travel Data: Getting Feedback from the User Community – Stacy Brika [s-bricka@ttimail.tamu.edu], Texas A&M Transportation Institute (9:45 – 9:55)
iii. Factoring Bicycle and Pedestrian Data – Scott Brady, [sbrady@dvrpc.org], Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (9:55 – 10:05)
iv. Counting on the Locals for Traffic Data – Steven Jessberger, [Steven.Jessberger@dot.gov], FHWA (10:05 – 10:15)

IV. Break (10:00 – 10:10)

V. Emerging/Re-emerging Topics 
a. Constructing a Matrix with Meaning: Moving forward with Urban Data – Nancy McGuckin [N_McGuckin@Rocketmail.com] Travel Behavior Analyst (10:10 – 10:40)
b. Connected Vehicles: Where is our Connection? – Group Discussion (10:40 – 11:00)
c. GTFS – A New World For Transit Data – Group Discussion (11:00 – 11:10)
d. The Role of Urban Data in Emerging Weather Events – Group Discussion (11:10 – 11:20)

VI. New Business
a. Upcoming Conferences and Workshops (11:20 – 11:30)
i. Summer Meeting Discussion – Washington D. C. 
b. Research Needs Statement Update – James Jan-Mou Li [lij3@ornl.gov] Oak Ridge National Labs (11:30 – 11:45)
c. Research Roundtable Discussion (11:45 – noon)