ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Please consider the Call for Papers below – we are joining ADB40 on this Call for Papers – please forward to others you think would be interested – thanks!
Call for Papers
TRB Annual Meeting
January 13 - 17, 2013
Washington, D.C.
Emerging Data Collection Methods and Travel Demand Models
Sponsoring Committee: ADB40 – Transportation Demand Forecasting
Call Description: Emerging data collection methods such as GPS, location aware technologies, transit smart cards, mobile phones and hand-held computers, sensor
networks, web-based records, and conventional household travel surveys have expanded both the quality and quantity of information available to model travel demand. As these data collection methods increasingly complement or even replace traditional vehicle
and person-based surveys such as travel diaries, their application to travel demand models seems to be key to validating the characteristics of the data collected as well as the complexity of the models developed (mode choice, route choice, activity type choice,
travel time, etc.). At the same time, data from sensors measuring air quality, noise, and energy consumption has expanded the scope of travel demand models to include integrated modeling of transportation and energy consumption and better representation of
the impacts associated with travel.
This year the Emerging Methods Sub-Committee is interested in and would welcome submissions on new methods of data collection for travel demand or the development of travel
demand models using these emerging methods. New methods include but are not limited to:
- GPS and location aware technologies
- Transit passive data or smart cards
- Smart phones and hand-held computers
- Sensor networks (wired or wireless)
- Web-based mass data
- Integration of multiple data sources, including new technologies and conventional surveys
Studies that have developed travel demand models using such data sources, or are in the process of doing so and can report on technologies, challenges, data issues, planned
model development, etc., are welcome to submit papers in response to this call.
Authors who have submitted papers in response to this call are requested to send AN E-MAIL WITH THE PAPER NUMBER, TITLE,
AND ABSTRACT to MAYA ABOU-ZEID (ma202@aub.edu.lb) by August 3rd,
Subject Area(s): Planning and Forecasting; Data and Information Technology
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Director, MRP Program
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL